I began my entrepreneurial marketing journey much the way most do… selling lemonade in my neighborhood. That spirit evolved into hosting driveway carnivals to raise money for bullet proof vests for the local K9 unit (in hindsight, I have no idea where that fixation came from). In high school, I babysat and worked at our church nursery, and convinced my boss that I could write a better summer camp curriculum than actual publishers (I mean, I think I did a pretty good job).

I earned my degree in Business Enterprise Management with a focus on Marketing Communications from Wake Forest University, along with minors is English and Studio Art (I know it’s a mouthful). While in school I developed a marketing team at our student center to promote offerings and local events, and worked in several marketing internships with local companies (in addition to being Treasurer of the club rowing team, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, and Co President of the Club Sports Union). Most of my college experience was fueled by coffee.

After graduation I started at Terrapin Beer Co in Athens, first as the Merchandise Specialist, then moving on to Social Media and Events, and finally to running the Marketing Department. In 2020, I joined Blue Ridge Spirits and Wine Marketing, an entrepreneurial marketing and sales company that works with wine and spirits brands to grow and develop in the US market. At Blue Ridge, I am currently the Vice President of Marketing, focusing on consulting with our brand partners on marketing strategy and building internal brands.

In my free time, I create art for products (you can check it out at CoastL Studio) enjoy sharing my marketing knowledge with product based businesses through resources here and on Sketch Design Repeat, and created the Content Calendar Kit (with the help of the folks at the UGA Innovation District!), an actionable system and resource for creating strategic content. I also enjoy eating bread baked by my husband and hanging out with our daughter Emily and our pup Gus!

Personal Instagram: @leahkeggi | LinkedIn: Leah Keggi | Resume: Here


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