If the first thing that comes to mind when you think of “brand” is a logo, you’re not alone. When you think of Nike’s brand, you think of the swoosh, or you associate the iconic golden arches with McDonalds. But a brand is much more than a logo, and what’s under the surface is as (if not more) important to helping you stand out, especially in a crowded industry. 

There’s a lot of amazing artists in the surface pattern design community, and standing out is incredibly important (especially if you don’t already have thousands of followers on social media). Crafting a brand behind your work makes it easier for your work to resonate with buyers and can help you sell more if you’re sharing your work on products.

So what is a brand, if not a logo? Your brand consists of several parts including your brand story, your brand’s positioning, your brand themes, and a wider visual identity….

You can read the whole article Surface Design Branding: How to Stand Out in A Crowded Industry over on Sketch Design Repeat, and download a freebie with a branding template and additional resources to help you build out your own brand!

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